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Grasp the science of Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux and how it relates to launching a lucrative career. Prepare for future Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux needs by looking beyond the ongoing Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux impact with Discover Training’s up-to-date Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux course .

Discover Training’s Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux course gives you a solid foundation in Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux in many settings of human development. With industry expert interviews, you’ll gain a greater understanding of Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux‘s applications and limitations, as well as how it’s already been efficiently used in the field. Discover Training’s Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux course will help you obtain facts and knowledge to strengthen your abilities on both standard Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux techniques.

As you progress through the interactive modules of this online program, you will have a strong grasp of Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux to identify new opportunities for innovation and drive digital growth within your organization. Enrol in the Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux course today and leverage your knowledge tomorrow. 


Industry professionals developed the content of this online Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux course, combining their expertise and in-depth knowledge. The curriculum was developed by Discover Training to assist you in growing in your current role by providing you with the necessary information and concepts. As you progress through the modules of this course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of  Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux and explore the essential concepts.

Who is this course for?

This Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux course is for you if you want to learn about the revolutionary potential of Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux. Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned veteran, a grasp of challenges that Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux techniques can tackle would benefit anyone working in the Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux sector. This Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux training covers crucial subjects that will help you overcome challenges and improve your practices.



Once the Ethical Hacking with Kali Linux course is successfully completed, the learner can obtain the PDF certificate without any cost. The hardcopy version of the certificate is also available for only £9.99. However, anyone ordering the hardcopy certificate from outside the United Kingdom may need to pay an additional delivery charge.

Course Curriculum

Unit 01: Introduction and Installation
Introduction to the course 00:05:00
Virtual box installation 00:16:00
Kali linux installation 00:14:00
Enabling full screen 00:18:00
Unit 02: Basic Linux Commands
Basic commands part 1 00:10:00
Basic commands part 2 00:21:00
Basic commands part 3 00:13:00
Unit 03: Creating a Secure Hacking Environment
Changing ip address and wireless adapter setup 00:05:00
Creating a bootable Kali USB drive 00:05:00
Essential networking terms 00:10:00
Essential hacking terms 00:18:00
Additional kali tools to install 00:09:00
Changing our MAC address with mac changer 00:06:00
Unit 04: Footprinting
Google hacking 00:13:00
Nikto basics 00:11:00
Whois tools 00:07:00
Email harvesting 00:06:00
Shodan 00:10:00
Zone transfer with Dig 00:07:00
Unit 05: Scanning
Installing Metasploitable 00:07:00
Nmap part 1 00:16:00
Nmap part 2 00:12:00
Nmap part 3 00:12:00
Zen map 00:08:00
TCP scans 00:16:00
Nmap by passing defenses 00:17:00
Nmap scripts part 1 00:09:00
Nmap scripts part 2 00:14:00
Unit 06: Website Penetration Testing
Installing OWASP 00:08:00
HTTP request 00:10:00
HTTP response 00:10:00
Burpsuite configuration 00:13:00
Editing packets in Burpsuite 00:12:00
Whatweb and Dirb 00:10:00
Password recovery attack 00:16:00
Burpsuite login bruteforce 00:11:00
Hydra login bruteforce 00:09:00
Session fixation 00:14:00
Injection attacks 00:06:00
Simple command injection 00:11:00
Exploiting command injection vulnerability 00:08:00
Finding blind command injection 00:14:00
SQL basics 00:10:00
Manual SQL injection part 1 00:13:00
Manual SQL injection part 2 00:21:00
SQL map basics 00:17:00
XML injection 00:16:00
Installing XCAT and preventing injection attacks 00:06:00
Reflected XSS 00:11:00
Stored XSS 00:12:00
Changing HTML code with XSS 00:07:00
XSSer and XSS sniper 00:14:00
Unit 07: Wireless Cracking
Wireless attacking theory 00:11:00
Enabling monitor mode 00:05:00
Capturing handshake with airodump 00:15:00
Rockyou.txt 00:14:00
Cracking with aircrack 00:16:00
Cracking with hashcat 00:15:00
Creating password lists with crunch 00:18:00
Creating password lists with cup 00:07:00
Rainbow tables part 1 00:17:00
Rainbow tables part 2 00:06:00
Installing fluxion 00:06:00
Finding and cracking hidden networks 00:08:00
Preventing wireless attacks 00:08:00
Unit 08: Man in the Middle Attacks
ARP protocol basics 00:10:00
Man in the middle attack theory 00:07:00
Installing MITMf 00:07:00
Manual ARP spoofing 00:13:00
Problems while installing MITMf 00:06:00
HTTP traffic sniffing 00:08:00
DNS spoofing and HTTPS password sniffing 00:24:00
Hooking browser with BEEF 00:16:00
Screenshotting targets browser 00:11:00
Cloning any webpage 00:09:00
Ettercap basics 00:07:00
Unit 09: System Hacking with Metasploit
MFS console environment 00:16:00
Metasploit modules explained 00:12:00
Bruteforcing SSH with Metasploit 00:15:00
Attacking tomcat with metasploit 00:09:00
Getting meterpreter with command injection 00:25:00
PHP code injection 00:06:00
Metasploitable exploits 00:07:00
Wine installation 00:12:00
Creating windows payloads with Msfvenom 00:10:00
Encoders and Hex editors 00:19:00
Windows 10 meterpreter shell 00:12:00
Meterpreter environment 00:11:00
Windows 10 privilege escalation 00:11:00
Preventing privilege escalation 00:06:00
Post exploitation modules 00:14:00
Getting Meterpreter over Internet with port forwarding 00:11:00
Eternalblue exploit 00:20:00
Persistence module 00:13:00
Hacking over the internet with Ngrok 00:10:00
Android device hacking with venom 00:10:00
The real hacking begins now! 00:02:00
Unit 10: Python Crash Course
Variables 00:14:00
Raw input 00:11:00
If else statements 00:10:00
For loops 00:07:00
While loops 00:08:00
Python lists 00:08:00
Functions 00:15:00
Classes 00:10:00
Importing libraries 00:07:00
Files in python 00:12:00
Try and except the rule 00:05:00
Unit 11: Coding an Advanced Backdoor
Theory behind reverse shells 00:07:00
Simple server code 00:13:00
Connection with reverse shell 00:07:00
Sending and receiving messages 00:11:00
Sending messages with while true loop 00:08:00
Executing commands on target system 00:10:00
Fixing backdoor bugs and adding functions 00:20:00
First test using our backdoor 00:18:00
Trying to connect every 20 seconds 00:12:00
Creating persistence part 1 00:06:00
Creating persistence part 2 00:17:00
Changing directory 00:12:00
Uploading and downloading files 00:22:00
Downloading files from the internet 00:23:00
Starting programs using our backdoor 00:07:00
Capturing screenshots on the target PC 00:19:00
Embedding backdoor in an image part 1 00:13:00
Embedding backdoor in an image part 2 00:09:00
Checking for administrator privileges 00:12:00
Adding help option 00:09:00
Unit 12: Creating a Key logger for the Backdoor
Importing Pynput 00:10:00
Simple keylogger 00:10:00
Adding report function 00:11:00
Writing key strokes to a file 00:14:00
Adding the keylogger to our reverse shell part 1 00:23:00
Adding the keylogger to our reverse shell part 2 00:08:00
Final project test 00:14:00
Unit 13: Basic Authentication Bruteforcer
Printing banner 00:11:00
Adding available options 00:11:00
Starting threads for bruteforce 00:08:00
Writing function to run the attack 00:11:00
Bruteforcing router login 00:10:00
Bypassing antivirus with your future programs 00:14:00
Sending malware with spoofed email 00:15:00
Unit 14: BONUS - Building a Career in Cyber Security
What will you learn in this section? 00:03:00
Why is ethical hacking a valuable skill? 00:23:00
What is the best ethical hacking certification? 00:17:00
Tips for getting your first job as an ethical hacker 00:18:00
How I started my career as an ethical hacker 00:14:00
How to price your work 00:11:00
Unit 15: Additional Content: Grand Finale
Bonuses. Enjoy the Benefits 01:05:00


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